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Exhibition VinArt

VINART– Contemporary International Art Exhibition

27.8.–8.9.2015 – Montecarlo Di Lucca, Italy

Fortesse "La Rocca di Cerruglio", Montecarlo Di Lucca, Italy, Opening 27.8.2015 at 9 pm More info.

My photo series "Lingering promise.." is featured in this event ( 3 photos). The contemporary art event called VinArt . The contemporary artworks of international artists will be exhibit in the suggestic interiors of Medieval Fortresse "La Rocca di Cerruglio" . All artists will interprete by their artworks own thoughts and inspirations from the art of production of wine, the wine as the " the nectar of gods", the tuscan vineyard landscape and the interiore personal artistic research.

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Paula Haapalahti


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